The "Jeff Yoshimi" logo is interactive. It's based on Simbrain Web, a partial port of Simbrain to javascript by Yulin Li. You can grab and move the nodes, change their activation, add new nodes, etc. right in the browser. Note that this simplified interface differs in some way from the Simbrain interface. Here are some key commands you can use:
space Iterate network (when paused)
P Place a new neuron at the last clicked location.
del Delete selected elements.
N Select all neurons.
W Select all weights.
+ A
/ cmd
+ A
Select all nodes and weights.
up Increase selected node activations or weight strengths.
down Decrease selected node activations or weight strengths.
shift Select multiple neurons. Allows dragging multiple nodes.
1 Mark selected neurons as source.
2 Connect source neurons to selected neurons.
- Lasso-select some nodes and press up to add more bursts of activation.
- N then R to randomize all nodes.
- W then R to randomize all weights.
- Select nodes, 1 then 2 to connect nodes. Most recurrent connections lead the whole sign to "fill up".
- Refresh browser to start over at any time