Jeff Yoshimi
Professor of Philosophy and Cognitive Science
University of California, Merced
5200 North Lake Road
Merced, CA 95343
[email protected]
President’s Postdoctoral Fellow. University of California, San Diego. Department of Philosophy. 2002-2004.
Ph.D. Philosophy. University of California, Irvine. December 2001.
M.A. Philosophy. University of California, Irvine. June 1996.
B.A. Philosophy. University of California, Berkeley (with honors). June 1992.
Areas of Research
Philosophy of Cognitive Science, Phenomenology (especially Husserl), Philosophy of Mind, Neural Networks, Dynamical Systems Theory, Visualization, Citizen Science and Gamification, Argumentation Theory.
Yoshimi, J. (2025). Gaming Cancer: How Building and Playing Video Games Can Accelerate Scientific Discovery. MIT Press
Hotton, S. & Yoshimi, J. (2024). The Open Dynamics of Braitenberg Vehicles. MIT Press.
Yoshimi, J., Tosi, Z., Hotton, S., Beckmann, P., Cain, E., Gordon, C., Noelle, D. C., & Meyer T. (2024). Neural Networks in Cognitive Science. A free textbook published under CC BY-SA 4.0.
Londen, P., Walsh, P., & Yoshimi, J. eds. (2023). Horizons of Phenomenology: Essays on the State of the Field and Its Applications.Springer.
Yoshimi, J. (2016). Husserlian Phenomenology: A Unifying Interpretation. Springer.
Articles and Book Chapters
Çavuş, B., P. & Yoshimi. J. (forthcoming). A Pluralist Approach to Merleau-Pontian Cognitive Science.Paradigmi: Rivista di critica filosofica.
Meyer, T., Kim, A., Spivey, M., & Yoshimi, J. (2023). Mouse tracking Performance: A new approach to analyzing continuous mouse tracking data. Behavioral Research Methods.
Falandays, B., Yoshimi, J., Warren, W., & Spivey, M. (2023). A potential mechanism for Gibsonian resonance: behavioral entrainment emerges from local homeostasis in an unsupervised reservoir network.(preprint) Cognitive Neurodynamics, 1-24.
Kallens, P. & Yoshimi. J. (2023). Bibliometric analysis of the phenomenology literature. In Londen, P., Walsh, P., & Yoshimi, J. (Eds.), Horizons of Phenomenology. Routledge.
Chen, K. & Yoshimi, J. (2023). The metaphysical neutrality of cognitive science. Synthese, 201.
Yoshimi, J. (2023). Pluralist neurophenomenology: a reply to Lopes. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences.
Mahault, A., Pitliya, R., Ramstead, M., & Yoshimi, J. (2022). Mapping Husserlian phenomenology onto active inference.(preprint) 3rd International Workshop on Active Inference.
Noelle, D. & Yoshimi. J. (2022). Artificial intelligence and computational theories of mind. In Young, B. and Jennings, C. (Eds.), Mind, Cognition, and Neuroscience: A Philosophical Introduction. Routledge.
Yoshimi. J. (2021). Phenomenological psychology as philosophy of mind. In Jacobs, H. (Ed.), The Husserlian Mind. Routledge.
Yoshimi. J. (2021). Two conceptions of Husserlian phenomenology: a review of Walter Hopp's Phenomenology: A Contemporary Introduction. Husserl Studies.
Winter, B. & Yoshimi, J. (2020). Metaphor and the philosophical implications of embodied mathematics. Frontiers in Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, 11, 1-13.
Yoshimi. J. (2020). Phenomenology and cognitive sciences. In De Santis, D., Hopkins, B. C., & Majolino, C. (Eds.). (2020). The Routledge Handbook of Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy. Routledge.
Yoshimi, J., Tolley, C. & Smith, D.W. (2019). California phenomenology. In Ferri, M. (Ed.), The Reception of Husserlian Phenomenology in North America. Springer.
Walsh, P. & Yoshimi, J. (2018). Philosophy of mind in the phenomenological tradition (preprint). In Kind, A. (Ed.), Philosophy of Mind in the 20th and 21st Centuries. Routledge.
Yoshimi, J. (2017). The phenomenology of problem solving. Grazer Philosophische Studien, 94, 391-409.
Yoshimi, J. (2017). Modeling consciousness using cognitive maps. Mind and Matter, 15, 29-47.
Nuñez, A.-M. & Yoshimi, J. (2016). A phenomenology of transfer: Students' experiences at a receiving institution. Innovative Higher Education, 41, 1-15.
Tosi, Z. & Yoshimi, J. (2016). Simbrain 3.0: A flexible, visually-oriented neural network simulator. Neural Networks. 83, 1-10.
Yoshimi, J. (2016).Prospects for a naturalized phenomenology. In Dahlstrom, D., Hopp, W. & Elpidorou, A. (Eds.), Phenomenology and philosophy of mind. Routledge.
Yoshimi, J., & Vinson, D. W. (2015). Extending Gurwitsch's field theory of consciousness. Consciousness and Cognition, 34, 104-123.
Yoshimi, J. (2015). The metaphysical neutrality of Husserlian phenomenology. Husserl Studies, 31, 1-15.
Yoshimi, J. (2014). Narrowing the explanatory gap using bridge metaphors. In Bello, P, Guarini, M, McShane, M & Scassellati, B (Eds.), Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society
Abney, D., Dale, R., Yoshimi, J., Kello, C., Tylén,K. & Fusaroli, R. (2014). Joint perceptual decision-making: a case study in explanatory pluralism. Frontiers in Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, 5, 330.
Yoshimi, J. (2012). Two dynamical themes in Husserl. In Being in time: dynamical models of phenomenal experience (pp. 165-184).
Yoshimi, J. (2012). Supervenience, dynamical systems theory, and non-reductive physicalism. The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 63, 373-398.
Yoshimi, J. (2012). Active internalism and open dynamical systems. Philosophical Psychology, 25, 1-24.
Yoshimi, J. (2011). Phenomenology and connectionism. Frontiers in Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, 2, 1-12.
Hotton, S. & Yoshimi, J. (2011). Extending dynamical systems theory to model embodied cognition. Cognitive Science, 20, 1-30.
Yoshimi, J. (2010). Husserl on psycho-physical laws. New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy, 35, 444-479.
Hotton, S. & Yoshimi, J. (2010). The dynamics of embodied cognition. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 20, 1-30.
Yoshimi, J. (2009). Husserl's theory of belief and the Heideggerean critique. Husserl Studies, 25, 121-140.
Yoshimi, J. (2008). Simbrain: A visual framework for neural network analysis and education. Brains, Minds, and Media, 3.
Yoshimi, J. (2007). Mathematizing phenomenology. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 6, 271-291.
Yoshimi, J. (2007). Supervenience, Determination and Dependence. Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, 88, 114-133.
Yoshimi, J. (2004). Field theories of mind and brain. Gurwitsch's Relevancy for Cognitive Science, 111-129.
Yoshimi, J. (2004). Mapping the structure of debate. Informal Logic, 24 1-22.
Horn, R. E., Yoshimi, J., Deering, M. & McBride, R. (1998). Can computers think? Bainbridge Island, WA: MacroVu.
Yoshimi, J. (1997). Hapas at a Los Angeles High-School: Context and Phenomenology. Amerasia Journal, 23, 130-147.
Awards and Grants
2024 Reusable Teaching Modules for Generative AI. UC Online.
2019 VR Eye-tracking for Perception & Consciousness Research. UC Merced Academic Senate Faculty Research Grants Program.
2018 Phenomenology and its Horizons, 2018.UC Humanities Research Institute Conference Grant.
2018 Philosophy of Cognitive Science. Grant to improve a hybrid version of undergraduate course, COGS / PHIL 110. UC Merced Innovative Learning Technology Initiative.
2017 Neural Networks in Cognitive Science. Grant to produce a hybrid / flipped version of undergraduate course, COGS 103. UC Merced Innovative Learning Technology Initiative.
2009 Metaphysics and Mind Summer School. National Endowment for the Humanities.
2007 Virtual World to Study Visual Representations in Neural Networks. UC Merced, Graduate Research Council.
2007 First Annual Conference of the California Phenomenology Circle. UC Merced, Humanities Funds Grant.
2006 Conference on the Future of Cognitive Science. National Science Foundation (Co-PI).
2005 Creating a Community College Transfer Culture at UC Merced. William and Flora Hewlett Foundation (PI)
2003 European Union Advanced Course in Computational Neuroscience
(One of two Americans selected for a one month intensive course in Portugal)
2002 UC President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship
2000 UC Irvine President’s Dissertation Year Fellowship
(One year fellowship)
1997 UC Irvine Departmental Teaching Award
1996 UC Irvine Faculty Mentor Fellowship
(One year fellowship)
1995 UC Irvine Departmental Teaching Award
1994 UC Irvine Regent’s Fellowship
Talks, Presentations, and other Media
"Large Language Models: A Visual and Philosophical Primer". Cerritos College. February, 2025.
"Eidetic Laws as Software Requirements for the Code Running the Matrix". California Phenomenology Circle. January, 2025.
"Phenomenology, Mathematics & Dreydegger". With Darius Parvizi-Wayne on Rahul Sam's Philosophy and Theory podcast.
"Experimental evidence for Husserl's Theory of Horizons" (with Liza Oh). Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness. Tokyo, Japan. June, 2024.
"Neurophenomenology 2.0". Phil Lab. UC Merced. April, 2024.
"Neurophenomenology of Internal Thought". UCLA workshop on Communicating within the self. April, 2024.
"Open Dynamics of Braitenberg Vehicles" (with Scott Hotton). University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee Analysis/Applied Mathematics seminar. April, 2023.
"My Approach to Husserl." Computational Phenomenology Group, Verses. March, 2022.
"Gaming Cancer." Health Psychology Colloquium Series, UC Merced. December, 2021.
"Discussion of Metaphor and the philosophical implications of embodied mathematics" (with Bodo Winter). Embodied Underground. UC Berkeley Department of Education. January, 2021.
"An Opinionated Introduction to Phenomenology." Mathematical Consciousness Science Online Seminar Series. July, 2020.
"Analyzing A Scholarly Literature Using Bibliometrics." Digital Humanities Talk Series. UC Merced Center for the Humanities. April, 2020.
"Cognitive Maps for Perception, Action, and Thought." Models of Consciousness: A conference on formal approaches to the mind-matter relation. Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford. September, 2019.
"Using Multimedia Principles to Enhance User Retention in Eterna." EternaCon. Stanford University. July, 2019.
"Can we cure diseases through video games?". Philosophy & the Good Life. Clovis College. February, 2018.
"Recent Work in Naturalized Phenomenology". UC Merced MTS. September, 2018.
"Horizons of Action and Imagination." Workshop in Phenomenological Philosophy. Fordham University. May, 2017.
"Some Old and New Paths in Consciousness Research." Lindsay Cultural Arts Forum. December, 2016.
"The Phenomenology of Problem Solving." University of San Diego. April, 2016.
"Modeling Consciousness." Illinois State University. April, 2016.
"Notes on The Phenomenology of Problem Solving / History of the California Phenomenology Circle." Pacific APA. April, 2016.
"Curing Disease Using Video Games: The Case for Citizen Science." Cerritos College. February, 2016.
"Cognitive Science, Citizen Science, and the Common Good." Mind, Technology, and Society. UC Merced. August, 2016.
"On the Metaphysical Neutrality of Husserlian Phenomenology." Rice University. April, 2014.
"Commentary on Sebastian Luft’s Subjectivity and Lifeworld in Transcendental Phenomenology." Central APA. February, 2013.
"My Approach to Foundational Issues in Cognitive Science." UC Merced TACS Talk, April 2013.
"Naturalizing Constitutive Phenomenlogy." UC Irvine. November 2012.
"Basic Principles of Neural Networks and their Relationship to Cognitive Science and Education". LMU Munich, Center for Learning Sciences. July 2012.
"A Formalization of Husserl’s Theory of Horizons". UC Santa Cruz. June 2012.
"Modeling Husserlian Horizons." UC Merced MTS. October, 2011.
"Husserl on Psychophysical Laws." Seattle University. April, 2010.
"The Phenomenology of Reading." UC Merced CRHA Talk. November, 2010.
"Geometry of Inter-Theoretical Relations." Central APA. February, 2010.
"Recent advances in the scientific study of consciousness." Frontiers of Science and Engineering, UC Merced. September, 2009.
"Supervenience and the Mind-Body Problem ." Washington University in St. Louis (NEH Seminar talk). June, 2009.
"Naturalizing Transcendental Laws." CSU Northridge. September, 2008.
"Active Internalism and Open Dynamical Systems." Embodied, Embedded, Enactive and Extended Cognition; University of Central Florida. October, 2007.
"Active Internalism: How Brain and World Work Together to Produce Consciousness."Central Valley Philosophy Association. October, 2007.
"Husserl and Heidegger on Belief." CSU Stanislaus. April, 2006.
"Heideggerean Misreadings of Husserlian Phenomenology." California Phenomenology Circle. February, 2006.
"Externalism and Dynamical Systems Theory." Fresno State University. March, 2006.
"Open Education at UC Merced." Utah State University. September, 2005
"Philosophy and Neuroscience." Fresno City College. April, 2005.
"Language and Thought." Merced College. April, 2005.
"Dynamics of Object Perception." American Philosophical Assocation, Pacific Division. San Francisco, CA. March 2005.
"Abstract Spaces." UC Merced Spatial Studies Group. Merced, CA. February 2005.
"Food and Multi-ethnic Identity: evidence from table-tops, pantries, refrigerators, and menus." Key Ingredients (Traveling exhibit of the Smithsonian Institution). Merced Courthouse, Merced CA. February 2005.
"Open Systems and the Phenomenology of Perception." Concepts, Percepts, Actions: Negotiating the Boundaries. UC San Diego. April, 2004. Also presented at UC President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Spring Retreat. Lake Arrowhead, CA. May, 2004.
"Naturalizing Transcendental Laws." Case Western Reserve University. February 2004. Also presented at UC Merced. December 2004.
"Short-Term-Depression and the Tilt Aftereffect." University of Texas at Houston. January, 2004.
"Supervenience and the Dynamics of Consciousness." Experimental Philosophy Laboratory, UC San Diego. October 2003.
"Models of orientation hyper-columns in primary visual cortex to explain the tilt aftereffect." Advanced Course in Computational Neuroscience, Obidos, Portugal. August, 2003.
"Phenomenology and Cognitive Science." UC President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Spring Retreat. Lake Arrowhead, CA. May, 2003.
"Time and Intentionality." UC San Diego Dept. of Philosophy. November 2002.
"Field theories of mind and brain." Gurwitsch's Relevance for Cognitive Science, Del Ray Beach, FL. October 2002.
"Gauging State Space." Experimental Philosophy Laboratory, UC San Diego. October 2002.
"Interfacing Philosophy using Visual Language." Computing and Philosophy Conference, Carnegie Mellon University. August 2002.
"Husserl's Many Manifolds." Society for the Study of Husserl's Philosophy. July 2002.
“Supersizing the Local: Food and Phenomenology in Postcolonial Asian America.” Association for Asian American Studies National Conference. June 1998.
"Using Argumentation Analysis to Examine a Major Debate in Cognitive Science." (Poster Session with Robert Horn and Russ McBride). Tucson III: Towards a Science of Consciousness. August 1998.
Professional Activities
Conference and Group Organizing
Organizer (with Patrick Londen and Phil Walsh) of Horizons of Phenomenology, 2018.
Co-organizer. Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Pasadena, CA. 2015.
Chair, California Phenomenology Circle, 2001-2011.
Co-organizer. Future of Cognitive Science. UC Merced. 2009.
Organizer, Central Valley Philosophy Association Annual Meeting. 2008.
Organizer (with Joseph Schear), California Phenomenology Circle Second Annual Conference. 2008.
Organizer (with Joseph Schear), California Phenomenology Circle First Annual Conference: The Phenomenology of Cognition. 2007.
Organizer (with David Woodruff Smith), Irvine Consciousness: An Interdisciplinary Conference. 1997.
Software and Website Development
Creator of
, an open source tool for building and analyzing neural networks.
Creator (with Scott Hotton) of
, a tool for visualizing high-dimensional datasets.
Creator of
, an internet database of Husserl resources.
AI and Society, Axiomathes, Brains, Minds, and Media, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Cognitive Science, Cognitive Systems Research, Études phénoménologiques, European Journal of Philosophy, Frontiers in Psychology, Informal Logic, Inquiry, Journal of Philosophical Logic, Mind, Mind and Matter, Minds and Machines, Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, Philosophical Explorations, Philosophical Papers, Philosophical Psychology, Ratio, Routledge, Synthese, Springer Books.
UC Merced
Cognitive Science Foundations I (Fall 2020)
Cognitive Science Foundations II (Spring 2015, Spring 2016, Spring 2017, Spring 2022)
Consciousness (Fall 2007)
Introduction to Philosophy (Fall 2005)
Kant (Spring 2012)
Literature and Theory (Fall 2006)
The Machine Learning Age (Fall 2020)
Mind, Technology, and Society (Spring 2010, Fall 2013, Fall 2016)
Neural Networks in Cognitive Science (Spring 2006, Spring 2011, Fall 2011, Spring 2017, Fall 2017, Fall 2018, Fall 2020, Fall 2021, Fall 2023, Fall 2024)
Phenomenology (Fall 2006, Fall 2008, Spring 2011, Fall 2012, Spring 2019 (graduate))
Phenomenology and Existentialism (Spring 2015)
Philosophy of Cognitive Science (Spring 2007, Spring 2009, Fall 2011, Spring 2014, Fall 2015, Spring 2018, Spring 2019, Spring 2020, Spring 2021, Spring 2023, Spring 2025)
Philosophy of Mind (Spring 2008, Fall 2010, Spring 2013)
Philosophy of Neuroscience (Fall 2008)
Philosophy Through Game Programming (Spring 2016)
UC San Diego (Teaching Assistant)
Spring 2004: Philosophy of Neuroscience
CSU Northridge
Winter-Spring 2002: Logic and Critical Reasoning
UC Irvine
Spring 2001: Philosophy and Psychoanalysis
UC Irvine (Teaching Assistant)
Winter 2001: Introduction to Symbolic Logic
Fall 2000: Metaphysics
Winter 1996, Fall 1999:Introduction to Ethical Theory
Spring 1996, 1999: Introduction to Philosophy
Fall, Winter 1999: Introduction to Psychology
Winter, Spring 1997: Contemporary Moral Problems
Fall 1995: Phenomenology and Existentialism